Sunday, January 22, 2012

10 Life Lessons from Mountain Biking

I am scared I will fall every time I go mountain biking. This is ironic. Why? Because it is the fear itself that makes me fall. When I get scared going over a drop off, I start to brake, and the reality is, if I brake while the bike is trying to go downhill, I fall off. A bike in mid-air does not like to be stopped. This is not complicated physics. If I can recognise the fear, acknowledge it, and convince myself that no matter what I will NOT BRAKE until my bike has landed on the other side of this obstacle, I get down courses I never thought possible. It doesn’t seem I can stop being scared but it seems I can stop my instinctive reaction to fear – pulling the brakes.

Last weekend I rode with a friend who’s never gone mountain biking before. She was terrified at first and quite ready to give up in the first 15 minutes out of fear and frustration. But it ended up being a 2.5 hour ride. She rode up some impressive tracks but more amazingly – came down some impressively scary single track. She even trusted me enough to ride down a bridge. (One that took me several months of biking to be brave enough to try.) Afterwards when we said goodbye she thanked me for believing in her. I know that during our ride I had absolute faith that she could do what I was asking of her and moreover, that she could enjoy it and not just be terrified. She knew it too.

Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us when we’re struggling to believe in ourselves. Someone who holds a conviction in our ability to succeed even when we’re wobbling.

Today I rode with another friend who’s much braver and a better rider than me. It was an enjoyable reversal of roles from last weekend – reminding me how important it is to keep our roles fluid, in every area of our lives. My friend coached me over some tough bits that I was too scared to ride. I had my heart in my mouth a few times but I conquered some rocky rooted downhill sections that I’ve only walked my bike over before. It was fun.

As I rode the final section I thought, as I have before, how much mountain biking is a metaphor for life.

Here are my life lessons from today!

  • · Your role is only to gently steer around obstacles and pick the smoothest line, not carve a new course.

    · Do not attempt to control everything. Momentum will carry you down – you will go forward no matter what.

    · Stop fighting gravity. Stop pulling the brakes. Touch them only when necessary to correct course.

    · Don’t stare immediately in front of you – keep an eye on what’s up ahead.

    · You will get better at it only if you keep going.

    · Fear is your biggest obstacle. It might not go away but if you’re wise you will recognise the fear and know to avoid the default reaction to fear that makes you fall..

    · Eat and drink at regular intervals to keep your energy up.

    · Try new things, it’s the only way to have fun.

    · Some bits are hellish no matter how you look at them. But others are exhilarating and awesome and make it all worthwhile.

    · Find friends to ride with who believe in you, help you laugh at yourself, and will pick you up if you fall.