Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To Guide Human Emergence by Laughing Often and Much

I ask "why" a lot. It's in my nature. I was made aware of this again recently when I was with a friend that doesn't enquire so consistently into the meaning of everything. It got me thinking...maybe I set the bar too high. I desire a deeply meaningful relationship, a deeply meaningful career, deeply meaningful friendships...deeply meaningful books, poems, diet...Maybe it's a bit snobbish? To want a deeply meaningful existence? I suppose it could be viewed like this if I used my lens on the world to judge others but I try not to. It is not my place to judge any one else's life, but I think it's OK to have one's own aspirations for one's own life. I can't judge if someone else is in a dead-end career or Mcjob or in a relationship that I think doesn't serve them. How would I know what's best for anyone's personal evolutionary journey? Hell, I can't even figure out my own!

There are those from the school of "just get on with it" and those from the school of "your playing small doesn't serve the world" and I just happen to fall more squarely in the latter camp. I can't seem to help but wonder why I'm here and what I'm meant to be doing in this incarnation. That's why it was pretty cool to find myself listening to a webcast along with 30 000 people all over the world on The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego.

The organisation behind the event is the Academy for Evolutionaries - which I stumbled across via Integral Enlightenment, the brainchild of an American philosopher called Ken Wilber. The point of this Academy for Evolutionaries is, as explained in their words:

"empowering evolutionaries." To us, that means providing you with the tools, training and support you need to be able to reach your highest potential and fulfill on your highest calling.

If you're like most evolutionaries, chances are you feel a bit overwhelmed by the task facing you. You sense that there is a much bigger life calling for your participation.Yet, you know that to really participate in a way that will make a difference, you're going to need to evolve in a way that few human beings ever have.

You've realized that evolution doesn't just need more fans and cheerleaders. It needs awake, conscious, wise participants who have evolved themselves to the point that they're capable of serving and guiding the process of human emergence."

I loved the webcast. It was about 90 mins I think, of listening to someone discuss the stuff that I endlessly wonder about. And you can download it for free here if it sounds at all interesting to you.

I'm excited that there are at least 30 000 people out there thinking along similar lines! Yay! I'm not a freak! But I'm mindful that not everyone thinks like I do. I'm learning that wanting to educate the poor, save humanity and assist people with personal transformation journeys is stuff I want to do, it's not everyone's cup of tea. I have to be mindful that there may be some payoff for my ego in these goals. I am not a selfless being. I am so far from enlightenment. Most days I zig zag back and forth trying to be the best I can be and getting it wrong. A lot. There are days I lie on the sofa watching Grey's Anatomy not achieving much of anything. I'm learning to sit with the tension. To sit with things as they are, and how I'd like them to be. Between profound aspirations and the banality of earning rent money. Between guiding the process of human emergence and a more modest aspiration:

‎"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, To find the best in others, To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

So on I go, zigging and zagging.

1 comment:

Mary Kelso said...


I just stumbled here and thought I'd at least leave a note.

I have differing ideas on how to accomplish what you want to accomplish, because I am a Christian, but ultimately I see that we have much the same goals.

Giving a lifeline to others is the most rewarding thing we can do. Showing people that living isn't just breathing, and I am finding it's most well lived in serving.

Just thought I'd encourage you to continue zig-zagging. I know that I too don't always get it right, I am blessed to always get it redeemed though and that is the beauty of grace and forgiveness.