Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teach Your Children Well

These are exam answers I got from students some years ago when examining them on a management course.

Explain what is meant by the “carrot and stick” approach to management.

  1. carrot is when you go to management with too many hectic things and stick when you have one thing.

  1. taking advantage of your employees just because you are the boss

  1. “carrot’ meaning not full of yourself, can break easily “stick” meaning full of yourself, don’t break easily

  1. the student drew a picture of a carrot

  1. stick – it is like when you demand things from us students and stand behind us or saying you will get a written warning. “carrot” is like when you get something in return like at the campus if you do certain things you get rewards.

Student no 5 actually had it right. The phrase is thought to come from one of two origins. Firstly, the idea that you use a carrot dangled in front of a donkey or a stick to beat the donkey’s behind as two ways of motivating the donkey. Secondly, that the carrot is dangled from the stick, in front of the donky. I think the former makes more sense because it's about TWO TYPES of motivation. But I loved the students creative answers!

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