Saturday, July 16, 2011

La Belle Provence

I eat and eat, ripe cheeses and white bread and plump cherries and nougat and icecream and buttery sauces with tender white fish and asparagus dripping in hollandaise and filet dipped in bearnaise...and if I eat like this I also need to run. So I run and I run, past this beautiful chateau in the picture above, and past the wheatfields and past the cherry trees. It's so hot I run late at night, well after 7pm, when the air is slightly cooler and the tarmac is just breathing out gently its sun-soaked warmth from the day. I think about the Mary Poppins film where they jump in and out of paintings because I feel here like I'm running in a Van Gogh painting - Wheatfield with Crows or Haystacks in Provence. It's hilly country, every village is on top of a hill, so my calves ache and my lungs burn but I am surrounded by such beauty I consider it a luxury to be able to run here.

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