Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Love is Watching Someone Die

I was looking up the words for the song “Love is watching someone die” which someone sent me recently. I will post the words later maybe. But it was serendipity that I stumbled across the most beautifully heartbreaking tribute by a girl who lost her horse and companion of 20 years. Her post is called Love is Watching Someone Die. I need to share it.

You will cry.

But it’s OK.

It will probably open up your own grief and loss.

And that’s OK too.

We need to grieve.

I’m still sitting here with tears streaming down my face. It’s less than a month since I sat in a candle filled room, pulsating with unimaginable quantities of love and sorrow and watched someone die. I know she had to go but the loss of a woman so gentle and wise, smart and funny, has left an enormous hole in my heart.

So when you’re sure you’re ready, and you are not about to go into an important meeting or a first date, read Keiko Lynn’s story, and as you read about her loss, be prepared to grieve your own.

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